Cherry Valley, NY

Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI): CHVYNYQ0010
Geolocation (GL) code: NY2280

Site Data

FCC Microwave License Data


Cherry Valley consists of a concrete tower, square in plan, with a short steel tower on its roof. AT&T used concrete towers in the early years of its microwave network, before adopting the steel-lattice type of tower.


Cherry Valley was a microwave radio junction station. A January 1970 map shows the station having routes going northeast to Rotterdam, NY, southwest to New Berlin, NY and northwest to Deerfield, NY.

When AT&T converted its transmission network to fiber optics, Cherry Valley was no longer needed and was shut down. AT&T sold the station to American Tower Corporation, which offers space on the tower for lease to cellular telephone companies and other wireless communications providers. American Tower has produced a site brochure describing the facility.

Thanks to Terry Michaels for contributing the CLLI and GL code data.


Courtesy of Terry Michaels
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Created on August 11, 2003 at 22:53 by Albert LaFrance