Lenkurt Technical Training School, 1950

Photograph and information courtesy of Paul Kervin.

(Click here to a view a larger version.)

In addition to Western Electric products, AT&T Long Lines and the Bell operating companies used microwave radio equipment manufactured by the former Lenkurt Electric Company of San Carlos, California. This portrait shows a class at Lenkurt's Technical Training School in 1950. The students are learning about the Lenkurt 72B-900 microwave transmitter, illustrated as a block diagram in the background.

The man in the front row wearing the short-sleeved shirt is Dennis Kervin. In his 42 years with AT&T, Mr. Kervin was involved with virtually the entire range of telephone transmission technologies. He began with twisted-pair circuits, moved on to coaxial cable, followed by lots of microwave work, and concluded his career purchasing easements for fiber optic from Toledo to Chicago.

Mr. Kervin worked at a number of AT&T offices in the midwest, including Joliet, Grant Park and Chicago #3, Illinois, and Chesterton, Indiana (where he met the future Mrs. Kervin!). His duties took him to many of the Long Lines microwave stations in the region, including Plato Center, Norway, Cloverdale, Watseka, Chicago Heights and Valparaiso.

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Created on May 13, 2010 at 20:25 by Albert LaFrance