Address: 405 N Broadway
Latitude: 35-28-16.2 N
Longitude: 97-30-54.1 W
Current microwave paths: Guthrie, Noble and Norman, OK, in the 4 and 6 GHz bands
Oklahoma City is a Southwestern Bell Telephone building in which AT&T Long Lines occupied the first, sixth and other floors. Construction began in the early 1900s, before Oklahoma was granted statehood. As the photos depict, the building has had several additions.
In the 1960s, the first floor housed the private-line area and the telegraph testboard, and in the lobby was a Southwestern Bell business office. The sixth floor was 17C testboard and L-carrier multiplex equipment. The second floor was mainly Southwestern Bell O- and N-carrier, although Long Lines had a broadcast radio program area which provided audio feeds for network broadcast radio stations.
from 1952; scanned image courtesy of Terry Michaels |
photographed in 2005 by Tim Fox |
photographed in 2005 by Tim Fox |
photographed in 2005 by Tim Fox |
photographed in 2005 by Tim Fox |
photographed in 2005 by Tim Fox |
photographed in 2005 by Tim Fox |
Updated on January 6, 2006 at 16:00 by Albert LaFrance