Mineola, IA

Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI): MINLIAQ0010
Geolocation (GL) code: IA2120

Site Data

FCC Microwave License Data


Mineola's physical facilities consist of a 213 ft. (65 M) steel lattice tower and an equipment building.


A 1966 route map shows that Mineola linked Omaha, Nebraska to the northwest and Red Oak Junction, Iowa to the southeast. The route carried both telephone and television service. Mineola was likely an auxiliary (relay) station, without terminal equipment.

As AT&T continued converting its long-distance network to fiber optics in the 1990s, Mineola became obsolete and was "turned down". AT&T sold the station to American Tower Corporation, which in turn sold it to the present owner, American Relay Company.

Present Role

Decades after its construction, Mineola continues to serve as a microwave relay station, though in a network radically different from the Bell System's. Today, the station carries high-speed digital traffic as part of American Relay's backbone network, helping deliver fixed-wireless broadband communication services to customers in the central U.S.


Image courtesy of Mr. Jamie Saker, American Relay Company
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Updated on November 20, 2002 at 01:02 by Albert LaFrance